“A crop and feed outlook for the months ahead” reviewed forage quality and variation due to weather and other growing season challenges. It was presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois,...
A buyer's market, at least for the time being, has returned to the crude oil price world. The complete list of reasons why is no doubt much longer, but I'll stick to a few basic ones I understand: 1. Fuel...
"If you are not on DHIA test or contributing other data such as classification or health data, you can use genomics, but submitting data is critical," Dan Weigel (who works in outcomes research at Zoetis)...
Unless Congressional action is taken to clarify RCRA, the Washington state ruling on manure and its nutrients could forever change livestock production
Staying ahead of the flavored milk curve Here is some additional information to compliment the March 25, 2015, article on page 202 of Hoard's Dairyman. The Dale McClellan family knows dairying from two...
The information provided on DHIA culling in last week's Hoard's Dairyman Intel article, "Low production tops the culling list," actually comes from a report released by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding....
Across much of the U.S., corn silage harvest is slowly wrapping up. Poor weather conditions during last year's growing season left corn silage inventories tight for many producers. Due to this, there may...
Right now may be the most important and potentially profitable tax planning window of opportunity that dairy owners have had in years. But it's running out fast. Record Class III milk prices and drastically...
Editorial: A2 Milk -Myth, Fad or the real deal? Of the questions our staff has fielded from readers over the past year, A2 milk would rank among the most frequent. While nearly no effort has been made...
Educational games share agriculture's story. "Corn is grown in every state and on six continents." That is just one of the agriculture facts state fair attendees could learn in the American Farm Bureau's...
Ten years ago, a half-dozen straight months of Class III milk prices over $21 would have triggered epic herd expansions and new dairy construction in the West. But not this time; not even close. Still-fresh...
Time does about face on butter by Maggie Seiler, Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. The campaign against fat has been widespread and sweeping, affecting consumer purchasing decisions since the 1960s
At 7 a.m. on a typical June day, most young people are still in bed enjoying the start to their summer vacation. Members of the Barnyard Clovers 4-H club are not among the late risers. Almost every June...
Editor's note: This item is a Reader Response to the Hoard's Dairyman Intel item "Farming hits the silver screen" in the April 21, 2014, edition. It's darn well about time that something like this happened....
Not everyone is a farmer, but a love for animals and people has drawn many to a career in agriculture. According to a recent survey, the agriculture industry is a pretty good place to make a living right...
New dairy cattle evaluation educational book contains over 90-plus color photos comparing each trait. Understanding linear evaluation enhances every dairy farmer's ability to make better decisions for...